Ale co z strona?

F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

How much I have to pay for EBM?
Participants EU - 35 €
Participants non-EU - 30 €

What's the exchange rate of Euro?
1 € = 3.8150 zl, 06.12.2006 (Exchange)

How much does it cost?
beer 0,5l - 3-6zl
cola 0,5l - 2-3zl
bread 2,5 - 3zl

Where can I change my money?
Wieczorka 8a street
Krupnicza 14 street
Zwirki i Wigury 64 street
Rynek 10 street
Bohaterów Getta Warszawskiego 15 street
Basztowa 5 street
Zwyciestwa 43 street
Zwyciestwa 55 street
Zwyciestwa 30 street

Is there anything interesting to see in Gliwice?
There are many places where you can go:
pubs - (the most of them are near the market and near Silesian University of Technology)
restaurants - see:
"PalmHouse" - place where are many different plants and trees
An Old Broadcasting Station - Warszawska street
bowling, bilard clubs,cinemas,etc

Could you tell me some Polish expressions which would be useful to know?
hello - czesc, hej,
good morning, good afternoon - dzien dobry
goodbye - do widzenia
where is… ? - gdzie jest …
Yes - tak
No - nie
I don't understand you - nie rozumie cie
Thanks - dziekuje
Please - prosze
Excuse me? - Przepraszam
I can't speak polish - Nie mowie po polsku
Could you help me? - Mozesz mi pomoc?
What's your name? - jak sie nazywasz?
Ilm ... - Jestem (name)...
My name's …. - Nazywam sie…

Could you give me some phone numbers, in case I would like to call you/I will need help to find you?
email: Agnieszka Mazurek, mobile: +48 505 878 441